Well, 2023 was one I would quite like to forget! Let’s start 2024 on a better note, with a far less broken arm that has finally turned a corner in its healing. I am back to full riding, and a lot more sane for it! 2023 definitely showed that I am not a very good watcher, but I am incredibly grateful to friends Laura Collett, Jodie Amos, and my team at home for doing such a brilliant job with my horses while I couldn’t. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without them.
Speaking of our team, I would like to welcome our new Head Girl, Natalie Wallace, who takes over from Amy Marlow. Amy has been such a brilliant part of the team for the last two years. Huge thanks to Amy for all her help and for being a super manager and a completely unflappable anchor at the center of the yard. She will still help out when she can and to cover some holidays, and we all wish her the best of luck in her next ventures. Meanwhile, Natalie, who has lots of eventing experience from her previous role as head girl for Ailsa Wates, joins Matteo and Hannah on the yard at home.
As I write this, the cold snap has well and truly set in, and the thought of going eventing seems (gladly!) a long way off. The horses are in great order though and seem pretty excited too to have me back on board, or maybe it’s just the fresh weather! Excitingly, we are also building a new barn to replace some leaky and rotten wooden stables. Matteo had valiantly tried to fix the roof several times before health and safety kicked in, and I thought he was more likely to come down through it than the rain, and that was definitely not an option! So while there is a lot of mud and construction vehicles causing carnage with fresh horses, it has meant a very excited 4-year-old boy at home. It is due to be built by the start of the season - here’s hoping…..